And It's As I Always Say;

Now & Forever- Run Away With Me Tonight

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Secrets That I Loved

These secrets were posted on PostSecret for Valentines Day, some of which I adore. Here are a few and my occasional notes as to why:

*This one had the biggest impact on me. I lost my brother to suicide almost four years ago and I still see things I want to get for him, hear things I want to tell him and KNOW he would get a kick out of and just to tell him I love him.

I love you Ian.

I'm not mad. I never was. I never will be.

I feel you with me everyday and we all love and miss you so much.

*It happens, but it's only an excuse. You just need to be willing to open your heart and try again. Stop all the lies.

*Damn right they can! And ditto to all the guys who've ever hurt me.

*To two of my most recent ex's: I could have cured you, too.

Also, TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) Day!!!

Support Suicide Awarness and Prevention!

Miss Red

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